
Vbscript - WMIDateTime 형식으로 변경 하기

WMI 시간 형식은, 20080611182532.000000+540 와 같습니다. 물론 대부분 WMI --> DateTime 형식으로 변경하는게 대부분 이겠지만...^^

그 반대로, DateTime --> WMI 시간 형식으로 변경하는 스크립트 입니다. 본 스크립트는 Windows 내장 Microsoft.CmdLib 컴포넌트에서 제공해 주는 함수중 하나 입니다.

Function changeToWMIDateTime(ByVal strDateTime,strTimeZone)

        Dim arrDateTimeCheck  ' to store the date-time values
        Dim strDate           ' to store temporary date value
        Dim arrDate           ' array to store date values(MMDDYYYY)
        Dim strMonth          ' to store Month value
        Dim strYear           ' to store Year value
        Dim strDay            ' to store Day  value
        Dim strTime           ' to store temporary date value
        Dim arrTime           ' array to store date values(MMDDYYYY)
        Dim i                 ' for looping
 Dim iYearPosition     ' Used to hold the position of year in Date.

        ' input strDateTime is like "mm/dd/yy|yyyy,hh:mm:ssAM|PM"
        ' input Timezone is like "'+|-' UUU"

        arrDateTimeCheck = split(strDateTime,",")
        ' Finally format the  input like "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.000000+TIMEZONE"

        ' first format the month and day. Append the four digit year
        ' Conver the 2 digit year to 4 digit year.
        ' If there are already 4 digits, then don't worry.

        iYearPosition = InstrRev(arrDateTimeCheck(0),"/")
         If Len(arrDateTimeCheck(0)) - iYearPosition = 2 Then
          arrDateTimeCheck(0) = Left(arrDateTimeCheck(0),iYearPosition) & Left(Year(Date),2) &
         End If

        'now date is mm/dd/yyyy
        'Spliting the array for month,day,year
        arrDate = split(arrDateTimeCheck(0) , "/" )

        ' The date, month  must be of 2 digits
        ' If they are of single digit length < 2, append a "0"
        For i=0 to ubound(arrDate) - 1
            If Len(arrDate(i)) < 2 then
                arrDate(i) = "0" & arrdate(i)
            End If

        strMonth = arrDate(0)
        strDay   = arrDate(1)
        strYear  = arrDate(2)

        'for 'YYYYMMDD' Pattern
        strDate = strYear & strMonth & strDay        

        ' Take the Time for formating
        strTime  =  arrDateTimeCheck(1) 

        'NOW arrDateTimeCheck(1)="HH:MM:SSAM|PM".
        'here formating Time 24Hours independent of Locale separator  

        'Spliting the array for HH MM SS
        arrTime = split(strTime , ":" )           

        'Looking for [A|P]M string
       If  Instr(1,Lcase(arrTime(2)),Lcase("AM"),VBBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
                   'AM Conversion  for 24H
               If  arrTime(0) >=  12 Then
                    arrTime(0) = arrTime(0) - 12
               End If        
                    'PM Conversion for 24H
               If  arrTime(0)  < 12 Then
                       arrTime(0) =arrTime(0) + 12
               End If
       End If 

        'Adding leading zero  if third element  is  S[A|P]M
        If Len( arrTime(2)) = 3 then   arrTime(2)  = "0" & arrTime(2)  

        'Removing  AM|PM from  third  element in the  array
        arrTime(2) =Mid(arrTime(2),1,2) 

        ' The hours, mins and secs must be of 2 digits
        ' If they are of single digit i.e Len < 2 , append a "0"
        For i=0 to ubound(arrTime)
                If Len(arrTime(i)) < 2 then
                       arrTime(i) = "0" & arrTime(i)
                End If

        strTime = Join( arrTime ,"") ' formatting as HHMMSS

        ' Return the total format as "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.000000+TIMEZONE"
         ChangeToWMIDateTime = strDate & strTime & ".000000" & strTimeZone
End Function

시간 형식은,. "mm/dd/yy|yyyy,hh:mm:ssAM|PM" 입니다.

즉,. 월/일/년,시:분:초오전/오후

예제,. wscript.echo changeToWMIDateTime("05/22/2008","+540")

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