
닷넷 프레임워크 트러블슈팅 가이드 (.NET Framework Troubleshooting Guide)

Aaron Stebner 의 블로그 에는 다음과 같은 닷넷 프레임워크에 관련된 트러블슈팅에 관련된 포스트 목록을 정리해 놓았습니다.  훌륭합니다.


- Details about the .NET Framework 2.0 setup packaging
- Error codes that can appear during .NET Framework setup
- How to repair a broken version of the .NET Framework that ships with the OS
- How to resolve some specific types of .NET Framework setup failure
- How to remove broken .NET Framework builds
- .NET Framework service pack install issues
- Where to find log files
- Useful tools
- Other references

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