
Windows Server 2003 CD 레이블 표

다음 표는 Windows Server 2003 CD 레이블 입니다. 각 제품마다 CD레이블이 다르므로 설치CD와 시리얼이 같은 제품이어야 설치가 됩니다.

Acronyms and Abbreviations
CCP Compliance Checking Program (Upgrade Version)
CHK Checked Build
EVL Evaluation Version
FPP Full Packaged Product (Retail Version)
MPC Microsoft Product Code
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PID Product ID
After the Product Key is validated in the Setup program, the Setup program builds a unique PID which is assigned to the computer. A PID contains the Microsoft Product Code (MPC) and the three characters channel ID value.
RTM Release To Manufacturing
SEL Select (License for 250 or more PCs)
SLP System-Locked Preinstallation
Royalty OEM vendors can distribute Windows products by using System-Locked Preinstallation Product Keys so that end users can bypass product activations.
VLK Volume License (Product) Key
VOL Volume (License)
WPA Windows Product Activation


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