
SQL Server 2005 버젼 비교

Scalability and Performance
Feature Express Workgroup Standard Enterprise
Number of CPUs 1 2 4 No Limit
RAM 1 GB 3 GB OS Max OS Max
64-bit Support Windows on Windows (WOW) WOW checked checked
Database Size 4 GB No Limit No Limit No Limit
Partitioning * * * checked
Parallel Index Operations * * * V
Indexed Views * * * checked

High Availability
Feature Express Workgroup Standard Enterprise
Database Mirroring1 * * checked1 checked
Failover Clustering * * V2 V
Backup Log-shipping * checked checked checked
Online System Changes V V V V
Online Indexing * * * checked
Online Restore * * * V
Fast Recovery * * * checked

Feature Express Workgroup Standard Enterprise
Auto Tuning checked checked checked checked
Express Manager V3 V3 V3 V3
Management Studio * checked checked checked
Database Tuning Advisor * * V V
Serviceability Enhancements checked checked checked checked
Full Text Search * V V V
SQL Agent Job Scheduling Service * checked checked checked

Feature Express Workgroup Standard Enterprise
Advanced Auditing, Authentication, and Authorization checked checked checked checked
Data Encryption and Key Management V V V V
Best Practices Analyzer checked checked checked checked
Integration with Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer V V V V
Integration with Microsoft Update checked checked checked checked

Feature Express Workgroup Standard Enterprise
Stored Procedures, Triggers, and Views checked checked checked checked
T-SQL Enhancements V V V V
Common Language Runtime and .NET Integration checked checked checked checked
User-defined Types V V V V
Native XML checked checked checked checked
XQuery V V V V
Notification Services * * checked checked
Service Broker V4 V V V

Integration and Interoperability
Feature Express Workgroup Standard Enterprise
Import/Export checked checked checked checked
Integration Services with Basic Transforms * * V V
Integration Services Advanced Transforms * * * checked
Merge Replication V4 V5 V V
Transactional Replication checked4 checked6 checked checked
Oracle Replication * * * V
Web Services (HTTP Endpoints) * * checked checked

Business Intelligence
Feature Express Workgroup Standard Enterprise
Report Server checked checked checked checked
Report Builder * V V V
Reporting Data Sources checked7 checked7 checked checked
Scale Out Report Servers * * * V
Data Driven Subscriptions * * * checked
Infinite Clickthrough * * * V
Data Warehousing * * checked checked
Star Query Optimization V V V V
SQL Analytical Functions checked checked checked checked
BI Development Studio V8 V8 V V
Enterprise Management Tools * checked checked checked
Native support for Web Services
(Service Oriented Architectures)
V9 V9 V V
Analysis Services * * checked checked
Unified Dimensional Model * * V V
Business Analytics * * checked checked
Advanced Business Analytics * * * V
Proactive Caching * * * checked
Advanced data management * * * V
Full writeback support * * * checked
Data Mining * * V V
Advanced Performance Tuning * * * checked
SQL Server Integration Services Data Flow Integration * * * V
Text Mining * * * checked

1 Single REDO thread and the safety setting is always on
2 Supports only two nodes
3 To be available as a separate download
4 Subscriber only
5 Publish to up to 25 subscribers
6 Publish to up to five subscribers
7 Local Machine, same SQL Server Edition, relational data only
8 Report Designer only
9 Reporting Services only


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